01 December 2008

The battle of ideas and politics is heating up

From: Peter Dreier

Friends and Colleagues:

The battle of ideas and politics is heating up.  The conservatives three-decades domination of
the political agenda ie,  government is the problem, deregulation and lower taxes are the answer --  is eroding.  Polls show that the Tea Party is losing support, as Kate Zernike reported in her article, Support for Tea Party Falls in Strongholds, Polls Show (NY Times, Nov. 29, 2011) http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/30/us/politics/tea-party-support-falls-even-in-strongholds-survey-finds.html

And the Republican Party candidates keep fumbling and mumbling.  The fact that Newt Gingrich
is a serious candidate for the GOP nomination is a sign of the party's desperation. Gingrich whose family values make John Edwards look like a saint   is a money-grubbing huckster of his many ghost-written books with fifth-rate ideas, a lobbyist who shills for his corporate clients, as the NY Times reported yesterday. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/30/us/politics/gingrich-gave-push-to-clients-not-just-ideas.html?_r=2&pagewanted=1

We now know that Herman Cain has a long track record of mistreating women, but why is he
harassing Margaret Sanger who  has been dead for 45 years?  It is part of the  Republicans misguided attack on  Planned Parenthood.  (Sanger, who coined the term birth control, was is founder). I discuss this in my article,
The GOP's attacks on Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood, on DISSENT magazine's website:  http://dissentmagazine.org/online.php?id=565

Give corporate America and their Republican allies credit, though. They are relentless in their
efforts to destroy workers rights and unions, the major bulwark against widening inequality and injustice. As Donald Cohen and I report in our article for Huffington Post, the Chamber of Commerce and other business groups are even suing the National Labor Relations Board for requiring employers to put up a poster summarizing workers basic rights.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-dreier/gop-and-chamber-of-commer_b_1107499.html

Meanwhile, the ideas espoused by Occupy Wall Street the concern over widening inequality and
the corruption of politics by corporate America and the super-rich-- have been resonating with Americans. 

As cities have been shutting down the various Occupy encampments, the Occupiers slogan that you can t evict an idea rings partly true. See the cartoon

The Occupy Wall Street movement helped change the nation s conversation, but whether it
helps change our politics depends on what we do to mobilize people around both
direct action and the upcoming elections. The turnout and voting trends earlier
this month in Ohio, Mississippi, Maine, and elsewhere were good signs that
the tide is turning, but it will take a lot more resources, energy, and focus to
turn the country around.

This week, as Los Angeles cops evicted the Occupy LAers from the park outside City Hall, the
Occupy LA leaders indicated that they would regroup and mobilize supporters to
engage in direct action and civil disobedience at bank buildings and at houses
where banks and sheriffs are threatening to evict homes from their homes.
They ve called for a moratorium on foreclosures and evictions. This is something
that the Refund California coalition has been working on for several months; hopefully the Occupy movement will bring addition energy to this strategy.

One important battleground in the struggle over the nation s future is the U.S. Senate race in
Massachusetts.  Polls show that Elizabeth Warren, the brilliant and progressive fighter for financial reform, has pulled ahead of Senator Scott Brown.  http://news.bostonherald.com/news/politics/view/20111201umass_poll_shows_elizabeth_warren_ahead_of_scott_brown_among_independents/ One next step that Occupy activists can take is to mobilize support for Warren s campaign.

Here are some articles from diverse sources that provide food-for-thought about what s needed in the next year, leading up to the 2012 elections.

7         Stephen Lerner, A
New Insurgency Can Only Arise Outside the Progressive and Labor Establishment
(New Labor Forum, Fall 2011)

7         Mark Engler,
Measuring the Impact of Mass Movements (Dissent, November 28, 2011) http://dissentmagazine.org/atw.php?id=625

7         Michael Moore,
Where Does Occupy Wall Street Go From Here? (Nov. 22,

7         Jake Blumgart,
Five Things Frances Fox Piven Says Occupiers Need to Do (Campus Progress, Nov.
9, 2011) http://campusprogress.org/articles/five_things_frances_fox_piven_says_the_occupiers_need_to_do/

7         Frances Fox
Piven,  The War Against the Poor (The Nation, Nov. 7, 2011)  http://www.thenation.com/article/164434/war-against-poor

7         Gloria Goodale,
Occupy Wall Street: Time to become more overtly political? (Christian Science
Monitor, Nov. 16, 2011)  http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2011/1116/Occupy-Wall-Street-Time-to-become-more-overtly-political

7         Jane Mayer, Taking
it to the Streets (New Yorker, Nov. 28, 2011) an interesting article comparing Occupy Wall Street and the
environmentalists battle against the Keystone pipeline. http://www.newyorker.com/talk/comment/2011/11/28/111128taco_talk_mayer

7         Kate Zernike, Wall
St. Protest Isn t Like Ours, Tea Party Says (NY Times, Oct. 21, 2011) http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/22/us/politics/wall-st-protest-isnt-like-ours-tea-party-says.html?ref=katezernike&pagewanted=all


7         Rinku Sen, Forget
Diversity, It s About Occupying Racial Inequity. (The Nation. November 1,

7         Peter Dreier,
Victory! Transforming Occupy Wall Street from a Moment to a Movement
(Huffington Post, October 7, 2011) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-dreier/rose-gudiel-_b_999514.html

7         Ruy Teixeira and
John Halpin, "The Path to 270: Demographics versus Economics in the 2012
Presidential Election"  http://www.americanprogress.org//issues/2011/11/pdf/path_to_270.pdf

7         As always, one of
the most interesting sites in the new blog, The Frying Pan: Hot Ideas for a Cold
Economy (http://fryingpannews.org). Its
articles on politics, economics, culture, and other topics are

7         The Flying Pan is
sponsored by the Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy, one of the most
innovative organizing, advocacy, and policy groups in the country.  One of
its current campaigns, Don t Waste LA a remarkable coalition of community,
environmental, faith and labor organizations is a plan that will create clean
air, green jobs and recycling for all Angelenos through region-wide standards
and accountability in the commercial and multifamily waste and recycling system.
Read about it here:  http://www.dontwastela.org/#

Always on the
look-out for corporate lies about the impact of government regulations, the Cry
Wolf Project (http://crywolfproject.org) is part
of the effort to remind folks that when big business and their political friends
warn that higher taxes, stronger protections for workers, consumers and the
environment, and labor unions will kill jobs, they are lying. The Cry Wolf
Project website is full of reports, quotes, and analyses on a wide variety of
issues. Take a look.

Matt Davies


Peter Dreier
Dr. E.P. Clapp Distinguished Professor
of Politics
Chair, Urban & Environmental Policy Department
1600 Campus Road
Los Angeles, CA 90041
Phone: (323)
FAX: (323) 259-2734
Website: http://employees.oxy.edu/dreier

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crises
maintain their neutrality" - Dante

02 November 2008

Why I quit as chief prosecutor at Guantánamo

By Morris D. Davis
The Miami Herald, 16 December 2007.

I was the chief prosecutor for the military commissions at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, until Oct. 4, the day I concluded that full, fair and open trials were not possible under the current system. I resigned on that day because I felt that the system had become deeply politicized and that I could no longer do my job effectively or responsibly.

In my view -- and I think most lawyers would agree -- it is absolutely critical to the legitimacy of the military commissions that they be conducted in an atmosphere of honesty and impartiality. Yet the political appointee known as the ''convening authority'' -- a title with no counterpart in civilian courts -- was not living up to that obligation.

In a nutshell, the convening authority is supposed to be objective -- not predisposed for the prosecution or defense -- and must make important decisions at various stages in the process. The convening authority decides which charges filed by the prosecution go to trial and which are dismissed, chooses who serves on the jury, decides whether to approve requests for experts and reassesses findings of guilt and sentences, among other things.

• Earlier this year, Susan Crawford was appointed by the U.S. secretary of defense to replace Maj. Gen. John Altenburg as the convening authority. Altenburg's staff had kept its distance from the prosecution to preserve its impartiality. But Crawford had her staff assessing evidence before the filing of charges, directing the prosecution's pretrial preparation of cases (which began while I was on medical leave), drafting charges against people who were accused and assigning prosecutors to cases, among other things.

How can you direct someone to do something -- use specific evidence to bring specific charges against a specific person at a specific time, for instance -- and later make an impartial assessment of whether they behaved properly? Intermingling convening authority and prosecutor roles perpetuates the perception of a rigged process stacked against the accused.

• The second reason I resigned is that I believe even the most perfect trial in history will be viewed with skepticism if it is conducted behind closed doors. Telling the world, ''Trust me, you would have been impressed if only you could have seen what we did in the courtroom'' will not bolster our standing as defenders of justice. Getting evidence through the classification review process to allow its use in open hearings is time-consuming, but it is time well spent.

Crawford, however, thought it unnecessary to wait because the rules permit closed proceedings. There is no doubt that some portions of some trials must be closed to protect classified information, but that should be the last option after exhausting all reasonable alternatives. Transparency is critical.

• Finally, I resigned because of two memos signed by U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England that placed the chief prosecutor -- that was me -- in a chain of command under Defense Department General Counsel William J. Haynes. Haynes was a controversial nominee for a lifetime appointment to the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, but his nomination died in January 2007, in part because of his role in authorizing the use of the aggressive interrogation techniques some people call torture.

I had instructed the prosecutors in September 2005 that we would not offer any evidence derived by waterboarding, one of the aggressive interrogation techniques the administration has sanctioned. Haynes and I have different perspectives and support different agendas, and the decision to give him command over the chief prosecutor's office cast a shadow over the integrity of military commissions. I resigned a few hours after I was informed of Haynes' place in my chain of command.

The Military Commissions Act provides a foundation for fair trials, but some changes are clearly necessary. I was confident in full, fair and open trials when Gen. Altenburg was the convening authority and Brig. Gen. Tom Hemingway was his legal advisor. Collectively, they spent nearly 65 years in active duty, and they were committed to ensuring the integrity of military law. They acted on principle rather than politics.

The first step, if these are truly military commissions and not merely a political smoke screen, is to take control out of the hands of political appointees like Haynes and Crawford and give it back to the military.

Only one case completed

The president first authorized military commissions in November 2001, more than six years ago, and the lack of progress is obvious. Only one war-crime case has been completed. It is time for the political appointees who created this quagmire to let go.

U.S. Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham have said that how we treat the enemy says more about us than it does about him. If we want these military commissions to say anything good about us, it's time to take the politics out of military commissions, give the military control over the process, and make the proceedings open and transparent.

U.S. Air Force Col. Morris D. Davis is the former chief prosecutor for the Office of Military Commissions. The opinions expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the Department of Defense or the Department of the Air Force.

Citation: Morris D. Davis. "Why I quit as chief prosecutor at Guantánamo," The Miami Herald, 16 December 2007.
Original URL: http://www.miamiherald.com/851/story/345317.html

26 October 2008

Islam, Islamism And Terrorism

By Col. Norvell B. De Atkine
Army, January 2006

The tragedy of September 11, 2001, and the subsequent conceptualizing of the war on terrorism have presented a very difficult problem to those responsible for framing the strategy. The basic problem has been one of defining the enemy. After four years, this problem still eludes a clear definition although the national leadership has been carefully moving toward a more definitive description.

The basic obstacle has been one of clearly describing the enemy without seeming to single out the world's second largest religion, Islam, as the cause or facilitator of this terrorism. To differentiate the radical forms of Islam from the mainstream Islamic community, the word "Islamism" was coined to describe an ideological movement using Islam as the vehicle to power. Others term it political Islam, while some journalists and media types still refer to it as Muslim fundamentalism.

In actuality there is a wide gap between the fundamentalists and Islamists. While the fundamentalists may accept many of the views of the Islamists, for example, the law of the land being the Sharia (Islamic law) primarily based on the Koran, (the sacred word of God delivered in Arabic to Mohammed), and Hadiths (sayings and actions of the prophet Mohammed), they do not necessarily share the view that only violence will bring about the reestablishment of the Caliphate (the worldwide Islamic community).

The Caliphate existed in theory until 1923 when Kemal Ataturk abolished the Ottoman Empire and established the modern state of Turkey. In actuality it had not existed as a viable entity for more than a thousand years. Petty Muslim states fragmented the Caliphate around 1000 AD. Reestablishment of the Islamic Caliphate is one of the consistent views of the Islamists-the concept of the entire Islamic world stretching from Mauritania and Spain to Mindanao, under a ruler who would represent the spiritual as well as the secular; an Islamic nation in which the tribal differences, nationalities and other divisive factors have all been eradicated. In the more ambitious scenario of the radical global Islamists, sometimes referred to as jihadists, the world will never be stabilized until Islam controls it, with the absorption of the House of War (non-Islamic lands) by the House of Peace (Islamic world). As part of this design, the concept of jihad has been elevated to a household word with very little understanding of its nature. Jihad has a much more nuanced meaning than "holy war," but in essence it conveys the manner in which the overall objective of subjecting all the peoples of the earth to Islam would be accomplished. In "Islam and the Modern Law of Nations," The American Journal of International Law, April 1956, reprinted by the Middle East Institute, Washington, D.C., Majid Khadduri explained jihad as an intensive religious propaganda program that takes the form of a continuous process of warfare, psychological and political, no less than strictly military. Unfortunately, the same article describes "jihad as a weapon that has become obsolete." It was a typical post-World War II belief.

In his October 6, 2005, address to the National Endowment for Democracy, President Bush made it clear that terrorism is not the enemy, but rather Islamic terrorism, a concept that had been clearly described in the 9/11 report.

The enemy is not just "terrorism." It is the threat posed specifically by Islamist terrorism, by bin Laden and others who draw on a long tradition of extreme intolerance within a minority strain of Islam that does not distinguish politics from religion, and distorts both.

The President was even more specific:

Some call this evil Islamic radicalism; others, militant jihadism; still others, Islamo-Fascism. Whatever it's called, its ideology is very different from the religion of Islam. This form of radicalism exploits Islam to serve a violent, political vision: the establishment by terrorism and subversion and insurgency of a totalitarian empire that denies all political and religious freedom.

While historically one can go back a very long way in Islamic history to trace the roots of this form of radical Islam, from the philosophy of Ibn Tammiya, the Salafiyah movement, evolving into the more fundamentalist Wahhabi doctrine of Saudi Arabia, to the 1940s' philosopher of violence, Sayed Ibn Qutb, its eclectic philosophy defies simplistic definition or description. In this era, the modern apostles of violence, the Palestinian Abdullah Azzam, the Egyptian, Ayman Zawahiri, and the Saudi, Osama bin Laden, have used religious texts, borrowing selectively and inventing where necessary traditional Islamic teachings. My intention here is to analyze the current status of the Islamist and the Islamic connection to terrorism and present the political military implications, rather than the theological and textual evolution of global Islamism.

My personal initiation into the terrorist world occurred in 1970 as I was preparing to depart Beirut after three years as a student at the American University of Beirut in the Foreign Area Officer Program. The assistant Army attaché in Amman, Jordan, Maj. Robert Perry, was murdered in his home by Palestinian thugs. I was sent as his replacement. During my time in Jordan, the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine hijacked four aircraft, landing three on Dawson's Field and holding hundreds of passenger's hostage, an event that culminated in the bitter conflict between the East Bank Jordanians and West Bank Palestinians. Expulsion of the Palestinian Liberation organizations from Jordan led to formation of the Black September organization and a series of brutal attacks on Israelis and Westerners.

My next personal encounter with terrorism, this time Islamist rather than nationalist, was as a spectator at the October 1981 Armed Forces Day parade in Cairo, Egypt. Sitting in the stands about 30 meters from President Anwar Sadat, I observed the surreal assassination of the president and monitored the subsequent abortive revolts in several Egyptian cities. Little did I know the spiritual mentor of that assassination, Sheikh Abdul Rahman, would be before me in court some 14 years later.

Through a convoluted set of circumstances, primarily as a result of my work association with the "Green Beret" sergeant, Ali Mohamed, I was subpoenaed as a defense witness at the trial of Abdul Rahman and nine others at the "Blind Sheikh" conspiracy trial in 1996. Sgt. Ali Mohamed was not a Special Forces soldier but had completed the Special Forces course as an Egyptian officer. He was not a defendant at the 1995 "Blind Sheikh" trial, but was later arrested and convicted for his part in the Kenya and Tanzania bombings in 2000. His rather strange career is told in the Raleigh News and Observer, October 21, 2001, "Al-Qaeda Operative dupes FBI, Army." In preparation for the trial the defense lawyers had become close to the defendants and were far more knowledgeable about the terrorist mind than many academics who are considered experts. I was especially impressed by the lawyer for El Sayyid Nosair. Nosair had previously been tried for the murder of the radical Rabbi Meir Kahane. His lifestyle and personality, as his lawyer put it, was the personification of the famous term coined by Hannah Arendt, the "banality of evil," a personification that applies to the vast majority of Islamist terrorists.

The experience at this trial, brief as it was, allowed me some insight into the terrorist mind-set. I continued to study the Islamist movement over the years, and as a result, I have formed some definite opinions on who these people are and what they think. It is in this context that I offer my analysis of the Islamist terrorist movement.

Islamism-What It Is

Islamism is a totalitarian ideology that seeks to use Islam as a vehicle to power. Its doctrine is a contrived mélange of fascist notions of racial superiority, Marxist techniques of human conditioning and capitalistic entrepreneurship. It conceives a government ruled by the immutable word of God as contained in the Koran that distinguishes it from "man-made" systems of government such as socialism, communism and democracy. It is equally opposed to nationalism, seen also as a Western import, and any belief or movement that tends to fragment the Umma (Islamic community). This would include various varieties of Pan-Arabism such as the Ba'athist movement and the Pan-Turanism of Turkey. In the Hadiths the Prophet Mohammed spoke of the dangers of tribalism, which, in the modern interpretation, is meant to be any ideology divisive to the unity of the Islamic community worldwide. Analysts should not make the mistake of thinking, however, that ideological differences between Arab nationalists and Islamists preclude alliances against common foes. The current tacit alliance between remnants of the Ba'athists and followers of Abu Musab Az-Zarkawi in Iraq is simply a tactical alliance, but nevertheless a deadly one, based on the premise that the "enemy of my enemy is my friend."

What Islamism Is Not

Islamism is not a movement that advocates a return to the seventh century, not even in theology (although they do present the façade of doing so). The Islamists have proven themselves very adept in using the latest in technology, particularly in information warfare and communications. Their use of advanced media technology and sophisticated communications to obtain support for their cause, and their meticulous keeping of records on the many laptops uncovered in Afghanistan, is indicative of their heavy reliance on the latest in technology and the fact that many of the leadership are well-educated in hard sciences.

The Islamist movement is not monolithic; there is no politburo disseminating orders, but rather a generally common mind-set of injustice and hatreds with an embedded sense that only violence will bring about the Islamic state. They are not united in organization or objectives, a continuing issue being whether or not the first target should be the indigenous rulers of the Islamic world or the West, particularly the United States. Moreover, the global Islamists do not really have a clear-cut doctrine, especially one of framing the structure of a government or its domestic programs, relying instead on slogans like "Islam is the answer."

Nor is the Islamist movement wildly popular in the Islamic world. A survey taken by the University of Jordan found a wide majority of Muslims in the Levant and Egypt oppose a fundamentalist view of Islam.

Despite the incompetence and corruption endemic to Arab regimes, there have been no popular Islamic uprisings. When closely examined, even the Iranian revolution of 1979 was a revolt of the bazaaris (middle class bourgeoisie shop owners) and disenfranchised clergy. Moreover, the corruption and authoritarianism of the revolutionary government has cooled the enthusiasm for the Iranian model even among Iranians themselves.

Islamist attacks in Egypt have alienated the public, and in Algeria, bloody and brutal warfare is winding down with the Islamists reduced to sporadic murders. The popular appeal of Hamas in Gaza is not replicated in the West Bank, and Hezbollnh of south Lebanon has remained a basically Shiite movement with its activities generally confined to Lebanon.

On the other hand, it is incorrect to depict the terrorist acts of the global terrorists against Western, particularly American, targets as unpopular. There is a widespread feeling of schadenfreude, a sort of "they had it coming to them" attitude. As an emotional feeling this should be understood, but not confused with actual support. Between the emotion and the deed there is an immense gap.

Events and Trends Triggering the Islamist Movement

The path to Islamism began with the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, but to some extent the defeat of the Arab armies by the Israelis was attributed to corrupt rulers and European support. Prior to 1967 Arab nationalism was seen by the Arab masses as the answer to the Israeli challenge. The subsequent massive build-up of the Egyptian and Syrian military establishments under Soviet tutelage was envisioned by the Arab masses as the instrument to eradicate the Zionist State.

However, the 1967 humiliating defeat of the Egyptians and Arabs, inflicted by the Israelis in just six days, triggered an intense self-examination and soul-searching, with the beginning of a call for a return to Islamic and Arab roots and a purging of all Western influence. This brought with it the resurgence of militant Islam.

The catastrophic defeat of 1967 was the beginning of the decline of the pan-Arab nationalist movement, the birth of Palestinian nationalism and the belief among intellectuals that the Arabs had lost their way. Seyyed Qutb's writings became immensely popular, advocating complete destruction of existing Arab governments and rebuilding of Islamic societies, a view that got him hanged by the Nasser regime.

Seyyed Qutb was one of the most important of the leading exponents of "offensive jihad." In his book, Milestones, he made it very clear that there is no distinction between "defensive jihad" (defending the Islamic world) and offensive jihad (Islamizing the entire world). His vituperation against the West was particularly venomous, based on his experiences while in the United States. He apparently suffered under the delusion that American women found him irresistible and were constantly seeking to undermine his moral character.

While living in Egypt in the early 1980s, I remember talking to Egyptian officers who related that following the 1967 War, people would berate them if they wore their uniforms in public.

A little known but equally humiliating defeat of Islam was the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War. In this war eastern Pakistan was invaded by the Indian Army and broke away from Pakistan to become Bangladesh. It was an inbred belief among the Pakistani officers with whom I associated while stationed in Jordan that the Indians were a non-martial race, and despite their numerical inferiority the Pakistanis would prevail. The subsequent result of that war was a searing humiliation for the Pakistani officer corps and Islamic community.

Societal trends have also contributed to this resurgence of a more militant Islam. Most important has been the increasing urbanization of the Islamic world. This continuing movement of people from farm and village to the city is breaking down the foundation of Arab society-the extended family. A very high proportion of the people moving into cities are young males who are particularly vulnerable to radical philosophies.

An early view among social scientists was that this movement to urban areas would result in an increasingly secular and modern society, but this has proved to be totally wrong. The sense of alienation and isolation from the anchor of village life has resulted in a search for the familiar, and it was inevitably the mosque. Of course this was even more pronounced for those young men studying in the West. Unable to adjust to Western society and alienated from their surroundings, they fell into small groups with a ghetto mentality. The Hamburg terrorist cell is a perfect example of this. From a rather vital but mundane aspect of life in the village, Islam became an all-consuming religious ideology separating them from "others."

Second, the so-called globalization effect of world communications and real-time connection, also once considered to be a force for modernizing, has turned out to be a force for retrenchment. Rather than being an agent for integration into a more liberal society, it has reinforced what Samuel Huntington calls the kin country syndrome. For instance, Arabs living in the West who were once watching the local and national news networks are now watching Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya. It has increased the divisions between the civilizations, not closed them. And of course what one sees on Al-Jazeera, despite a façade of sophisticated presentation of straight news, is a heavily overlaid but subtle message of Sunni-centrism and radical Islam, prompting many Shiites in Iraq to term it "the Wahhabi network."

Conditions within the Muslim, particularly Arab, world have also acted as a catalyst for the growth of Islamist movements. Stagnation of the political environment, as well as the economic environment, has contributed mightily to the popularity of the Islamist message. Most of the Arab world is now ruled by political dynasties, many rulers being old and/or bereft of any new ideas, other than those required to keep themselves in power. Ironically, the decadence and incompetence of most of the Arab leadership have prompted a major split in strategy among terrorist groups.

One wing of the Islamist camp advocated attacking the local regimes. To the purists within the Islamist movement there are no true Islamic governments in existence. The Iranian government is Shiite, a branch of Islam considered by the Islamists to be tifkar, a corrupted and heretical sect of Islam to be eradicated. Ironically, the Saud family of Arabia is seen as a corrupt puppet of the United States, despite their efforts to spread the Wahhabi brand of Islam throughout the world. The group that proved to be ascendant focused on Western targets. Palestinian and leading Islamist intellectual, Abdullah Azzam, was probably murdered because of his opposition to the Zawahiri philosophy of global strategy, which eventually was adopted by Osama bin Laden.

Economically, the Arab world has dramatically retrogressed. Subtracting oil as a factor from the equation, the entire Middle East of 260 million people exports fewer goods than the five million people of Finland. Everywhere there is a great deal of unemployment and even more underemployment. This is further aggravated by the high rate of population growth and the total inability of the existing governments to provide an environment for economic growth. Meant to provide jobs, bloated government bureaucracies only deepen discontent and discourage outside investment. On top of this bleak picture is the massive corruption endemic to the Arab world and the inordinate portion of the national coin devoted to "national security," most of which is simply largess to the military leadership in order to maintain themselves in power.

The Underlying Context of Islamist Appeal

As Bernard Lewis has written, "In the course of the 20th century it became abundantly clear in the Middle East and indeed all over the lands of Islam that things had indeed gone badly wrong." Everyone with a cursory knowledge of the Islamic world recognizes the immense contribution of the great Islamic empires to science and medicine, as well as the arts. In fact our civilization, often referred to as the Judaic-Christian civilization, would be more properly termed the Judaic, Christian, Islamic civilization. The golden age of Islam from about 700 to 1000 AD included an immense empire that stretched from Spain to India. Jewish physicians, Persian philosophers, mathematicians and artists, as well as Turkish soldiers with a core of Arab leadership formed a generally tolerant and highly advanced society. A multitude of factors ended this golden age, including a change in trade routes, decline in agricultural productivity, and the increasing factionalization of the Islamic empire, and finally the Mongol invasion with the sacking of Baghdad in 1258. The great Ottoman Empire that followed was Islamic and a great military state, but never achieved the level of societal advancement of the earlier Islamic empires.

The Islamic impression of the West was largely influenced by their belief in the innate superiority of the Islamic civilization, a belief buttressed by the very poor image and demonstrated backwardness of the European powers during the nearly 200 years of the Crusades. With the expulsion of the last of the Crusaders, Islamic society settled into a comfortable isolation secure in the conviction of its moral and material superiority. Basically there was nothing to be learned from the West. The seemingly endless victories of the Ottoman Turks over the Europeans only strengthened this perception.

However, with the beginning of the Renaissance this view of the West was out of date. The lack of trade, communication and interest of the Islamic world with Europe allowed the growth of European power to pass without much concern until 1798. The invasion of Napoleon's French expeditionary forces, designed to cut off Great Britain from its best routes to India, defeated the Ottoman army in a matter of days. The shock was tremendous-in both the East and West. The myth of innate Islamic superiority was shattered. Shortly afterward what might be considered the great European land grab began with the European powers taking control of most of the former Islamic lands. This continued and accelerated following World War I and the mandates awarded European powers over former Ottoman provinces. These various mandates evolved into states, often with very little ethnic, religious or even geographical factors involved in drawing their boundaries. With the end of World War II these newly designed states became independent, along with the added establishment of the state of Israel.

To many Arabs it is a part of their embedded belief that this was all a colonialist plot to divide the Arab world and the Islamic world into small, mutually antagonistic states, with Israel being referred to as the crusader state or Zionist entity. The concept of victimhood at the hands of the West is a staple of their education system and state-supported media, and is often reinforced by Arab governments seeking to project the blame game onto the always available scapegoats.

With the rise of American power and its increasingly close association with Israel after 1967, the West has come to mean the United States. This intensified as the Arab nationalist movement grew in the 1960s, becoming much more virulent with the rise of the Islamists. The primarily leftist ideological underpinning of the relatively secular Arab nationalist movement has been replaced by an injection of the racist, pseudo-religious philosophy of the Islamists.

"Why has this decline happened?" the Islamists ask. The answer is simple and very appealing to the people, especially intellectuals seeking answers that absolve themselves from any responsibility. To the Islamists this long decline was a result of the abandonment of Islam and the importation of alien Western ideologies. As Bernard Lewis wrote, the usual historical scapegoats were resurrected-the Turks, the Mongols, the Jews, the Americans.

The "Successes" of the Islamist Movement

The growth of the Islamist movement was greatly accelerated by the perceived successes of a religiously-based, militant form of Islam, particularly against the West and rulers seen as puppets of American power. To many, the increased emphasis of President Anwar Sadat on Islam, particularly in comparison to his predecessor, Abdul Nasser, resulted in the victory of the 1973 War. Ironically, the assassination of Sadat in 1981 was seen as a great victory of the Islamists over the Munaafiqun (hypocrites). Early in his presidency Sadat had released many of the Islamic fundamentalists as a buttress against the left wing of the Free Officers who constituted a threat to his regime.

Much more galvanizing was the 1979 ouster of the Shah of Iran by Ayatollah Khomeni. This was continued with the ouster of the Russians from Afghanistan by the Mujahadeen in 1989 and was accentuated by the victory of the Talibnn over the warlords and the institution of an Islamic government in Afghanistan. The militancy of the extremist Hezbollah continued this string of successes, claiming credit for the withdrawal of the Israelis from Lebanon in 2000. This was recently reinforced by the withdrawal of the Israelis from the Gaza strip, which was claimed as a victory for the militant terrorist Hamas organization. Whether true or not, there can be no doubt that both evacuations are perceived to be victories brought about by Islamic militants, a feat the secular Arab nationalists were unable to do.

Nevertheless the Humiliation Continues

Despite these "successes," the sense of humiliation continues with more recent developments such as the collapse of the Taliban against the American attack and the two Gulf War debacles with the conventional Iraqi army dissolving in the face of the American invasion. Even though the Islamists considered Saddam an enemy, the invasion by American forces was a violation of Islamic land, making Saddam a lesser evil. The idea recently promoted that removing Saddam was in effect a victory for Islamist terrorism is long on political agenda and short on historical and cultural knowledge, however. As described in the 9/11 Report, while there was no operational support for al Qaeda, there were a series of meetings and offers of assistance in 1997 and 1998. The close cooperation between the AlZarkawi jihadists and the secularist Ba'athists in Iraq today belies the conventional wisdom that they are ideologically incompatible. This was also true in the 1960s between the Muslim fundamentalists and the Communists. Facile statements such as "Islam and Communism are incompatible" proved to be wrong.

Other perceptions and conditioning that continue to feed the gnawing sense of humiliation are the views that most Islamic national rulers are American stooges, continued Indian rule over Kashmir, and the existence of the State of Israel, with implications across the Islamic world.

Who Are the Islamists?

Comprehensive studies done by Marc Sageman in his book Understanding Terror Networks on the beliefs and personalities of the terrorists have refuted many conventional beliefs about the substance of their grievances and rationale for their actions. One argument frequently heard is that the gap between rich and poor in the Middle East drives many of the Islamists to action. Untrue, says Sageman, who found that most of the leadership and Arabs were of the upper or middle socio-economic class. Most of the core leadership were well educated, came from functional families, were not products of an Islamic schooling (meaning not a private religious school), evidenced no particular pathologies, and most were not single young males. Most had families.

There are several common factors, however, one in particular being the factor of relative deprivation. Over 70 percent were recruited from countries other than their origin, many recruited in Europe, such as the previously mentioned Hamburg cell members. Many of the perpetrators of the World Trade Center attack, including Mohamed Atta, were members of this cell that coalesced around a mosque and a radical view of Islam. They were usually lonely, not integrated into local communities, not fully employed at their educational level and socially isolated.

Among the many global terrorists Sageman examined in his study, none were Palestinians. This finding is particularly revealing in that it is a mantra frequently espoused by Western Middle Eastern scholars that a simple change of U.S. policy toward the Palestinian question would somehow eliminate the underpinnings of global terrorist movements. Even one of the leading founders of the jihndist global movement, Palestinian Abdullah Azzam, gave up the specific Palestinian cause for a more general jihad against enemies of Islam. More troubling for those who posit a solution to the Palestinian problem as the solution to the radical jihndist terror campaign is the fact that nothing short of the total destruction of Israel and its people would satisfy them. The idea of a greater balance in U.S. Middle Eastern policy as a solution to the Islamist threat is a chimera.

Islam and the Islamists

As mentioned in the opening paragraph, the most delicate issue in this is the connection, if any, between Islam, the religion, and Islamism, the radical ideological movement. To what extent is Islam amenable to terrorist movements? Are there aspects of Islam that lend it to extremism? Unfortunately these crucial questions have been relegated to evasive phraseology designed to avoid the political minefield of being religiously insensitive, or being labeled an Islamophobe. From the outset it can be plainly stated there is nothing intrinsically violent about Islam. Upon my arrival in the Middle East to study at the American University of Beirut, some of my professors urged me to devote more time to the new ideologies sweeping across the Arab world, particularly socialism. Islam was seen as a religion in eclipse, a result of increasing urbanization, education and secularism. 1 always felt it was a rather quietist religion, certainly less outspoken than my Baptist upbringing. Being unfamiliar at the time with Islamic culture I misread the power of Islam in an Islamic society, underestimating its fundamental appeal and strength.

There are those who will boldly state that Islam is the problem. Muslim-born Salman Rushdie, author of the Satanic Verses, opines that until Muslims understand that the problem is within the Islamic community and until they restore religion to the personal sphere, depoliticizing it, it will remain an obstacle to modernization and continue to foster extremism.

On the other side, there are far more writers, generally academics, who tend to cast a hagiographic net around Islam. Books have proliferated since 9/11 ostensibly to correct an anti-Islamic attitude on the part of the American public, an attitude for which in my experience, little evidence exists. Typical of this genre was the book Approaching the Qur'cin: The Early Revelations by Michael Sells, which was required reading for University of North Carolina freshmen. Unfortunately, books of this sort are a part of the problem. They are essentially disingenuous in their portrayal of Islam, omitting certain passages of the Koran or Hadiiths, and creating the impression that Islamist terror is somehow simply an aberration in which the primary practitioners just happen to be Muslims.

In fact there are aspects of Islam as practiced today that do factor into Islamic terrorism. First of all, the Koran is viewed as the uncreated, inalterable word of God for which interpretation, at least within the Sunni community, is not allowed, although, to be sure, the Islamists use the tafsir (details or explanation) in a very innovative way to make their points. Therefore the so-called "sword" verse, which implies unremitting warfare against the unbelievers, reducing them to "tolerated" communities subject to the vagaries of Islamic law as enforced by the various rulers, cannot be reinterpreted as were many of the Judaic Old Testament stories. While this verse can be explained in a kinder, gentler way, it can just as easily be explained exactly as it reads, which is what the Islamists do.

Second, and probably most important, Islam, particularly Sunni Islam, has no central repository of religious doctrine. The leading scholar of Sunni Islam, the Sheikh of Sheikhs, the rector of Al Azhar in Cairo, has in actuality very little authority on the burning questions of the day, such as the religious legality of suicide bombings. Combining that with the fact that most Muslims cannot read the Koran in Arabic, even those that can have great difficulty in understanding the context in which the events depicted in the Koran occurred. For example, the extremely hostile attitude of the Koran toward Jews is used by the modern day Islamist ideologues to bolster their view of Jews as inferior beings. In reality these passages reflect the bitter internecine wars between the contending Arab tribes of the Arabian Peninsula. The fact was that the Jews of the Arab peninsula were Semitic tribes like all the others, but had adopted Judaism as their religion. The militant clerics and Islamists of today fuse the Arab Jewish tribes of the seventh century to the Israeli Jews of today in a sort of racist mythological trace reminiscent of the Nazi theories of race.

Third, as structured, the Koran lends itself to widely differing views on basic issues. Many passages are highly allegorical with mystical references, and in a number of places they are contradictory. Some Muslim scholars would address this by saying the latter revelations supercede the earlier ones. The problem here is that the Koran is not structured chronologically, but rather in terms of length of chapters, and there is no absolute agreement among the scholars on the chronology of the various verses.

The second most important source of Islamic law, the Hadiths, is much more a source of dispute. Supposedly, these stories about what the Prophet said or did were orally transmitted until about 250 years after his death. There is no one set of common Hadiths accepted by all Muslims. The Shiites do not accept many of the Hadiths accepted by the Sunnis. Originally committed to memory by companions of the Prophet, very few Hadiths have been transmitted in exactly the same way. For instance, one Hadith in which the Prophet allowed them to write down what he had said has 30 different versions, not to mention that some of the early companions of the Prophet were convinced that they were forbidden to record anything, believing these stories to be a forbidden rival to God's word in the Koran.

This leaves the field open to the local imams, many with little religious education, self-promoters like bin Laden, and others who, with a distorted or very narrow understanding of the essence of Islam, impart their political and ideological half-baked versions of Islam on their local following. In other words, the understanding of Islam for most Muslims depends on what they hear from their local religious authorities, including those with little or no credentials or with political ambitions. For women, who rarely attend religious studies, their knowledge is drawn from home education and popular religious columns in the newspapers or Islamist television personalities.


Ultimately, like all totalitarian movements whose appetites grow by what they feed on, the global Islamist jihadist movement is expansionist, not just to defend the revived Islamic world, but in fact to subdue the House of War, meaning the entire non-Muslim world. AIi Mohamed, the Islamist terrorist I unknowingly worked with for a number of months, was deadly serious when he kept repeating his stock mantra that the world will never be peaceful or fulfill God's plan until the House of Peace absorbs the House of War. Having spent a number of years in the Arab world, I had become used to the Arab penchant for bombast and blood curdling rhetoric. This is the way perceived much of what Ali Mohamed said. But he was serious, and the jihadists are serious and must be taken as such.

While there are many things we can do in the field of information warfare and cultural diplomacy, our main task is to contain the expansionist drive within the Islamist movement. As history has shown again and again, when totalitarian movements are contained they tend to implode. The radical Islamist worldview can offer nothing to fellow Muslims except promises of renewed glory. Its decline and ultimate demise will not be the result of some hearts and minds campaign or a more balanced policy in the Middle East. It will be brought about by a steadfast United States with a tough policy that does not bend to intimidation, nor allow the facilitators of violence in the Western intelligentsia to minimize Islamist outrages and endemic brutality. These are the same sort of intellectuals who believed the totalitarianism of fascism and communism would bring about the ideal society in which they would (supposedly) enjoy an elitist status, isolated from the brutish realities outside their centers of learning and university campuses. Most important, it is incumbent upon a world Muslim community to recognize the immense harm the Islamist movement has brought to their hopes of a better, more secure life.

In this regard I conclude with a passage from an article by the late Ambassador Hume Horan, the preeminent Arabist of the U.S. Foreign Service, who wrote: .......

Young Arabs, moreover, are failed by their intellectual leaders. Where are the Arab Reinhold Neibuhrs, Christofer Dawsons, Karl Earths, Martin Bubers? Where are the politically engaged intellectuals who can help a young Arab make coherent, responsible sense, of a troubling modern world? They scarcely exist in the Arab world.

By Col. Norvell B. De Atkine

U.S. Army retired

COL NORVELL B. DE ATKJNE, USA Ret., served as an Army Foreign Area Specialist in a number of Middle Eastern assignments, living in the area for eight years. He has traveled extensively in the region for the past 15 years as an instructor of Middle Eastern political-military subjects for the U.S. military. Col. De Atkine graduated from the U.S. Military Academy and obtained a master's degree in Arab Studies at the American University of Beirut. The opinions expressed in the article are those of its author.

Copyright Association of the United States Army Jan 2006

Citation: Col. Norvell B. De Atkine. "Islam, Islamism And Terrorism," Army, January 2006.
Original URL: http://www.ausa.org/pdfdocs/ArmyMag/DeAtkine.pdf

Homeland security: Terrorism takes a holiday

What differentiates a terrorist from a tourist?
Besides their motives, not much.

By Josh Schollmeyer
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, July/August 2005

Like many others who visit a foreign country, Syrian national and
Spanish citizen Ghasoub al-Abrash Ghalyoun documented his 1997 travels
to the United States with a video camera. In San Francisco, he shot
footage of the Golden Gate Bridge; in Chicago, he videotaped the Sears
Tower. While in New York City, he showed a particular fascination with
the World Trade Center, filming it from numerous angles.

Then and now, Ghalyoun claims he was a tourist fulfilling a lifelong
dream of traveling to the United States. Spanish authorities believed
otherwise. When they discovered Ghalyoun's tapes during a 2002 raid of
his Madrid home, they accused him of aiding the 9/11 hijackers and
charged him with mass murder. (According to an attorney for the 9/11
families, Ghalyoun's footage ominously traces what would become the
hijackers' flight pattern into the Twin Towers.) But upon closer
inspection, the tapes included enough touristy behavior--an audible
"Say cheese!"--and amateurish picture quality that in late May Spain's
High Court freed Ghalyoun on bail, a signal that he might be cleared
of wrongdoing.

The "I'm just a tourist" defense is not as tenuous an alibi as it
might seem. Terrorists (especially those conducting reconnaissance)
behave remarkably like tourists--by happenstance and design. Both
travel to the United States from foreign countries in small (sometimes
familial) groups, visit the nation's most identifiable landmarks, and
take endless photographs. "This is where the research on guerrillas
and terrorists really overlaps," says Donna Schlagheck, a terrorism
expert at Wright State University, "because the difficulty lies with
distinguishing them from the general population."

Terrorists certainly understand the advantages of blending in. In
Israel, terrorists have dressed as Orthodox Jews or soldiers in order
to fool security. (Similar tactics have been used in Northern
Ireland.) Schlagheck notes that the 9/11 hijackers flew first class to
appear more like businessmen or wealthy tourists.

That said, terrorists and tourists do exhibit some distinguishing
behaviors. "Most people will pose in front of a monument and one of
their friends will take one or two pictures and then move away," says
Abraham Pizam, the dean of the University of Central Florida's Rosen
College of Hospitality Management. "They won't sit there for 15
minutes and take pictures from all sides and every aspect, studying it
in-depth. That's a sign something is wrong."

Terrorism brings yet another criminal element to tourist destinations,
which--because of the high turnover of visitors--have long served as a
haven for petty and master criminals. For local law enforcement,
curbing this crime is a top priority since it scares away tourists and
hurts the local economy. In the age of terrorism, both law enforcement
and those in the tourism industry are working together to heighten
awareness. "Every employee of an organization that is a potential
target should be trained by a security employee to observe abnormal or
unusual behavior," Pizam says. "We must have as many eyes as possible
in those situations."

In Anaheim, California, the home of Disneyland (video of which was
found on Ghalyoun's tapes), the police department trains hoteliers and
others in the local tourism community exactly how to spot visitors who
might seek to rain destruction down upon the "Happiest Place on
Earth." "[Terrorists] are going to adjust their strategies, and then
we're going to adjust ours," says Capt. Craig Hunter of the Anaheim
Police Department. "That's the continual cat-and-mouse game that
occurs with all criminals."

[Josh Schollmeyer is the Bulletin's assistant editor.]
Copyright 2005 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Citation: Josh Schollmeyer. "Homeland security: Terrorism takes a holiday," Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, July/August 2005.
Original URL: http://www.thebulletin.org/print.php?art_ofn=ja05schollmeyer

14 September 2008

China Is Pursuing Unmanned Tactical Aircraft

By Roxana Tiron
National Defense Magazine, May 2004.

China has been quietly at work pursuing unmanned aircraft technologies both domestically and from foreign partners. It also is marketing its drones to friendly nations in Asia and Africa, according to a Chinese industry official.

“It is the trend of customers in the world to have reconnaissance, intelligence and long endurance” unmanned systems, said Yang Ying, the vice president of the China National Aero Technology Import and Export Corporation.

Only recently did the Chinese Army receive a series of reconnaissance UAVs produced by CATIC, said Ying, who spoke to National Defense at the Asian Aerospace 2004 in Singapore.

A system called the ASN-105B is designed to penetrate the battlefield to perform real-time surveillance and intelligence collection. The vehicle is operated by remote control from a ground control station.

The navigation system is based on GPS (Global Positioning System). The UAV is launched by rocket boost and lands with a parachute.

ASN-105B has a wingspan of 5 meters and can carry a payload of up to 40 kg at a maximum speed of 200 km an hour. Its endurance is seven hours and it can cover up to 150 km.

An ASN-105 system is made up of six air vehicles, one main ground control station, a mobile ground control station, a photo processing shelter, a TV/infrared image interpreting shelter and a launcher.

Another system developed several years ago, the ASN-206, can perform day and night aerial reconnaissance, battlefield surveillance, target positioning and artillery shooting adjustment. The Chinese use it for border patrol, nuclear radiation survey and sample, aerial photography and disaster surveillance.

The ASN-206 has a wingspan of 6 meters and can carry a payload up to 50 km. It can travel up to 210 km per hour at heights of 6,000 meters. It can endure operations up to eight hours and cover a range of 150 km.

Mission equipment includes low light-level camera, infrared line scanner, airborne video recorder and laser altimeter. The ASN-206 system consists of one air vehicle, a power plant and a launch-and-recovery system.

The Chinese military has operated a light UAV system and a target drone for the past 10 years, both produced by CATIC, said Ying.

The ASN-15 is a hand-launched UAV for battlefield reconnaissance and surveillance, routine patrol, as well as search and rescue. It has a wingspan of 3 meters and can operate at a speed of up to 90 km per hour. It flies at an altitude of up to 500 meters and can cover an area of up to 10 km. Launched by rail, it can be recovered by parachute or by “belly skid landing,” according to CATIC.

A system is made up of three air vehicles, a ground control station, remote control transmitter, video receiver, real-time video downlink and film camera.

The target drone, meanwhile, is being used for air-defense training, ground-to-air missile training, anti-aircraft gun training and radar training. The ASN-7 zips at 360 km per hour and can fly as high as 5,000 meters and as low as 50 meters. Its endurance is one hour. It can perform in environments as cold as minus 50 degrees Celsius or as hot as 30 degrees Celsius. It is launched by booster rocket and recovered by parachute.

China keeps updating its UAV systems, said Ying. Upgrades are “continuous with the development of avionics,” he said. Chinese UAVs are capable of autonomous flight, he said. Since 1990, “UAVs became a trend in the country’s needs.”

For foreign customers, CATIC adjusts the systems to their specific requirements, and those systems are marketed under different names, he said. CATIC is a government-owned company and also develops fighter aircraft. These have been marketed to Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

CATIC is not the only organization working on UAVs. The Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics developed the Chang Hong UAV—a high altitude, high subsonic speed, multi-role aircraft. It was designed to be launched from an aircraft and is able to land on either land or water.

The China Aerospace Science Technology Center is developing mini-UAVs, an endeavor started in 1999. The Najing Research Institute for Simulation Techniques has designed a surveillance UAV, while Beijing Wisewell produces the AW-4 Shark UAV and the AW-12A.

Citation: Roxana Tiron. "China Is Pursuing Unmanned Tactical Aircraft," National Defense Magazine, May 2004.
Original URL: http://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/issues/2004/May/China_Is.htm

09 September 2008

Muzzling the Pitbull: How to Make Palin a Liability

Carl Conetta
8 September 2008

Claiming to have learned the lessons of John Kerry’s failed presidential bid, the Obama campaign has vowed to respond quickly to Republican attacks. But if this is all they’ve learned, then the Democrats are likely to lose again. More than a good defense is needed. Democrats need to go on the offensive.

What’s required is nothing less than a political demolition campaign – one that defines and then assails the political character of the Republican Party and its candidates. Within this, key targets are those attributes of the “Red Team” that seem to be its strongest selling points. At the top of the list: Gov. Sarah Palin. Her inclusion on the Republican ticket has not only significantly boosted its appeal, but also represents McCain’s first executive decision. Both must be shredded.

Palin’s greatest vulnerability is not her inexperience, however. Nor is it her track record in Alaska. Instead, it’s the political character or "persona" that she’s gleefully showing to the world. This character needs to be “re-coded” by the Democrats as representative of all that’s wrong with Republican rule. (Such would be the rough equivalent of the Republicans’ taking down John Kerry as a war hero and their branding of Democrats as “elitists”.)

Unfortunately, there’s a real danger that Democrats will take a more passive approach, hoping that the Red Team will self-destruct. Or hoping that Palin’s threadbare and tawdry resume will “speak for itself”. Or hoping that some scandal in Alaska will sink her. Or hoping that Americans will be “shocked, shocked” to discover that Palin is as conservative (or more so) than George Bush. Problem is: nothing speaks for itself. What Democrats need to do is help Americans understand what to make of all this.

When Americans go to vote on 4 November they will not choose between the “real” Barack Obama and the “real” John McCain. They’ll choose between two political constructs or representations – two characters in a great political and moral drama. These characters embody political values. Values, in turn, are broadly perceived to be the spring from which policy flows. The three-part nexus is: Character, Values, Platform. A fair part of modern campaigning is a contest to define not just your own, but also the other team’s character. That contest will determine the choice that voters perceive on 4 November.

Targeting a “political character” is not the same as launching personal attacks. Instead, the target is the leadership image that the other side has put forward for public affirmation. It’s not the person, but the persona. And it must be hit hard and relentlessly as unworthy of affirmation. Among the things for Democrats to strike at are the idea that Republicans are “anti-elitist”, that McCain’s political temperament is sound and trustworthy, and that the nation needs a snarky “pit bull” in the number two position (or anywhere else, for that matter).

The necessary effort to convert Palin into a political liability might take a tack something like this:

Gov. Sarah Palin, and Senator McCain’s decision to put her forward for the vice presidency, neatly encapsulate all that’s wrong with the Republicans’ way of doing things. You can’t put a pretty face on what they’ve done to the country these past eight years. Our nation is in deep trouble at home and abroad. So what do they offer as a solution? A bucket full of bile and distortion. Characteristically: they refuse to face facts. They refuse to accept responsibility for their own failed policies. And they fail to offer any constructive alternatives. Instead, they blow smoke and try to shift blame. Palin’s is the politics of irresponsibility. And whining. What they’re offering now is the same old whine in a new bottle. Yes, it’s a new team – but they’re singing the same old song, full of spite and lacking in anything new or constructive. That’s the Republican play book. Well, after eight years, it’s been played out.

Gov. Palin likes to describe herself as a pitbull with lipstick. One that seems particularly eager to snap at her fellow Americans, I’d add. Is that what our nation needs right now? Is that the “big change” that McCain promises? Why, that’s no change at all. We’ve had eight years of Republican pitbulls running amuck – blundering at home, blundering abroad. Yapping and snapping. They’re rash and reckless and they don’t care enough about who they bite. They routinely turn on their masters – the American people. We don’t need to put lipstick on that. What’s called for is a muzzle.

Sarah Palin certainly has a great future – in talk radio, I’d say. She’s got what it takes for that. We should wish her Godspeed and send her on her way.

Of course, any serious effort to best the Republican Party also must refigure it as the Party of Lies, the party of smoke and mirrors. This should be as easy to argue as it is essential. They lied the nation into war. They claim to represent the “little guy” and “small town America,” while doing nothing for either. And now they cynically portray themselves as agents of change.

The final requirement may the hardest for Democratic politicians to manage: They need to find their anger. They need to tap into and channel the anger that so many Americans feel about the Republican shenanigans that have so badly damaged this land that we love. Democrats’ personal and professional relationships with Republicans – “good man” McCain and all that – are irrelevant. Palin’s presumed “intelligence” and political “skill” are irrelevant. All that matters is that the political persona of the Republican Party is an ugly thing. Assuming that Obama and Biden can see it, they need to call it.

Carl Conetta is a senior fellow of the Commonwealth Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts. He lives and works in the Washington DC area. (Affiliation for identification purposes only).

06 April 2008

Saddam Couldn't Get Playstations If He Tried - Sony

By Brian Krebs.
Newsbytes,26 December 2000.

Widespread media reports that Iraq has been importing the scarce and highly sought-after Playstation 2 video consoles for their military potential are unsubstantiated and groundless, a Sony spokesperson said today.

In the days leading up to December 25, several media outlets, including NBC, cited an unidentified US Customs officer as saying the popular PlayStation 2 units were being diverted from toy shops around Detroit to factions affiliated with the Iraqi military.

The stories note that the coveted video game units are being sought by the Iraqi government due to their hefty processing power, which when hooked together en masse could conceivably offer computing speeds similar to that of low-grade supercomputers, devices seen as necessary for the development and testing of weapons of mass destruction.

But Sony spokesperson Molly Smith said if Saddam Hussein wanted to get hold of a stash of Playstations, he'd have to get in line behind millions of other consumers.

"Right now, with our current inventory situation, it's likely that anyone - Saddam Hussein or otherwise - claiming to have a substantial number of Playstation 2 units is probably pulling your leg at this point," Smith said.

"This completely unsubstantiated story has been lingering for weeks and it's time to put it to rest."

The US government controls exports of processors based on their processing speed, measured in MTOPs (millions of theoretical operations per second.) Currently, exports of processors which measure 28,000 MTOPs or below have been decontrolled for export to nearly all countries of the world with the exception of nations labeled terrorist sponsors, including Iraq, Iran and Libya. For those nations, the processor speed limit is a mere 6 MTOPs.

Robert Majak, assistant secretary for export administration at the Commerce Departments Bureau of Export Administration (BXA) said while the Playstation
2 devices almost assuredly clock more than 6 MTOPs, there are more efficient and more commercially-available devices - desktop PCs that measure speeds of up to 6,500 MTOPs, for example - than this holiday's scarcest gift.

"I would assume that if Iran were determined to obtain such devices illegally, it would presumably go after something much more powerful than a chip in a toy of some sort," Majak said.

Citation: Brian Krebs. "Saddam Couldn't Get Playstations If He Tried - Sony," Newsbytes,26 December 2000.
Original URL: http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0NEW/is_2000_Dec_26/ai_68501911

05 April 2008

Taiwan navy not ready for AEGIS

ARMS ACQUISITION: The US needs proof that Taiwan's navy is capable of operating the advanced warships and this, not China, is the main factor preventing the sale from going through, opines one defense analyst

By Brian Hsu.
The Taipei Times Online, 22 March 2001

"I know why the Americans insist on selling the decommissioned Kidds to us. These ships are to assist the Taiwan navy in getting used to operating much more sophisticated weapons platforms."

Erich Shih, a senior editor with 'Defense International' magazine
With or without pressure from China, the US government will not agree to sell AEGIS-equipped guided missile destroyers to Taiwan before the Taiwan navy proves itself to be competent to handle the advanced warships, a defense source told the Taipei Times yesterday.

The US government will use the Kidd-class destroyer, which it is to sell to Taiwan, to test whether the navy is qualified to operate a more advanced warship like the AEGIS-equipped Arleigh-Burke-class vessels, the defense source said.

"The US' hesitancy is understandable. It is also justifiable considering the past performance of the Taiwan navy in operating second-generation warships like the Knox-class, Cheng Kung-class, and Lafayette-class frigates over the past few years," the source said.

"The Kidd destroyer will be a testing ground for the navy. If they can prove themselves to be competent in every way to handle a state-of-the-art warship, the US will then seriously consider approving the sales of AEGIS ships to Taiwan."

Erich Shih (施孝瑋), a senior editor with Defense International magazine, said it is true that the AEGIS ships are quite different to any warship currently in service with Taiwan's navy.

Citing the air defense capabilities of the AEGIS warship as an example, Shih said: "The operation of Standard Missile II on the AEGIS [system] would be a new experience for the navy since it is quite different from any missile of a similar kind currently in use in the navy."

"We would not be able to get the Kidd warships until three years down the line. However, I know why the Americans insist on selling the decommissioned Kidds to us. These ships are to assist the Taiwan navy in getting used to operating much more sophisticated weapons platforms," Shih said.

Chung Chien (鍾堅), a National Tsing Hua University professor who has close contact with the military, offered a different view on the issue, saying the US will not sell the AEGIS ships to Taiwan but will offer something else.

"The US wants one AEGIS-like ship built in Taiwan," Chung said.

The ship will be built under full technical assistance from the US. It is to become the Taiwanese version of the AEGIS warship," Chung added.

"I do not think the US will transfer to us the technology for the construction of their AEGIS warships."

A defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the military has been prepared to accept the fact that the US will not agree to sell to Taiwan the AEGIS-equipped ships any time soon.

"We have an alternative plan under the circumstances. We will try to persuade the US to sell us the air defense phased-array radar used within the AEGIS system. The radar system is the best part of the warship. If we have the radar, we can build an anti-ballistic missile shield on our own," the official said.

"In other words, we will seek to build a land-based missile defense system. It is to be the second-best choice to the acquisition of AEGIS-equipped ships," he said.

"But there are yet many problems to be dealt with before the plan can become practicable," he added.

Citation: Brian Hsu. "Taiwan navy not ready for AEGIS," The Taipei Times Online, 22 March 2001.
Original URL: http://www.taipeitimes.com/news/2001/03/22/story/0000078556

US airplane was probing new warship

MID-AIR COLLISION: An intelligence source says the US Navy plane was attempting to collect data on China's most advanced warship when it collided with a Chinese jet fighter

By Brian Hsu.
The Taipei Times Online, 3 April 2001.

A US Navy surveillance aircraft that was forced to make an emergency landing on Hainan Island on Sunday was collecting information on a Russian-made Sovremenny-class destroyer, an intelligence source told the Taipei Times yesterday.

The propeller-driven EP-3 plane had attempted to fly away after colliding with one of two Chinese jet fighters, the intelligence source said. The collision caused the fighter to crash into the sea.

The source said the EP-3's attempt to fly away was aborted after the second jet fighter opened fire with its machine gun as a warning.

The source -- who had monitored the incident by radar and also listened to cockpit exchanges -- said he believed the EP-3 was forced to land by the Chinese fighter plane at an airport on Hainan.

US officials, on the other hand, have said the collision with the Chinese fighter had caused sufficient damage to the US plane for it to issue a "Mayday" signal and make an emergency landing.

Sunday was not the first time that a US surveillance plane such as the EP-3 has tried to collect information on the most advanced fighting ship in the Chinese navy, which poses a major threat to US aircraft carriers with its lethal Sunburn anti-ship missiles.

The EP-3 is packed with supersensitive electronic equipment capable of intercepting and analyzing radio and other electronic communications, and is used to track and collect information on enemy ships.

According to the intelligence source, Taiwan's military radar detected the EP-3 flying in circles in the vicinity of the Sovremenny at a low altitude and at a speed of around 250km per hour.

Two Chinese jet fighters taking off from their base in Guangdong Province arrived to intercept and drive away the visitor -- but the US Navy plane did not at first show any intention of leaving.

The two jets flew in formation side by side with the EP-3 for some time before one of the planes found it could not fly as slow as the US plane, which is powered by four turboprop engines

The Chinese jet tried to slow down by making a turn, the source said. Its attempt to do so caused the fighter to bump into the US aircraft and then crash into the sea.

The pilot, as well as the Chinese aircraft, remains missing.

Meanwhile, Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense said Sunday's incident may affect arms sales talks between Taiwan and US.

"If the US takes a hard line on the matter, it will have a favorable effect upon the arms talks between Taiwan and the US," said Vice Admiral Kao Yang (高揚), deputy administrative defense minister. "But if the matter is solved within a short time, it is hard to say whether it will be good for us or not."

Citation: Brian Hsu. "US airplane was probing new warship," The Taipei Times Online, 3 April 2001.
Original URL: http://www.taipeitimes.com/news/2001/04/03/story/0000080165

American Hegemony in the Asia-Pacific

Australian Institute of International Affairs, 2001

As the Bush Administration attempts to shape America's Asia policy, it should keep in mind that American hegemony or leadership is not necessarily incompatible with a posture that provides incentives for security cooperation. Indeed, all means to provide stability in a potentially volatile region deserve a full airing. Perhaps, though, a distinction needs to be drawn between the more formalised versions of security cooperation such as a Concert of Asia that imply, over the course of an unspecified time-frame, a diminution of American dominance in the Asia-Pacific, and the very loose forms of security cooperation that are compatible with United States leadership in the Asia-Pacific. In this regard, recent calls by Zbigniew Brzezinski for greater security cooperation between the United States and the various players (including China) in the Asia-Pacific (Brzezinski 2000a: 6), that are implicitly premised on the existing reality of American dominance (Brzezinski 2000b), are far more viable than a Concert of Powers. They have the added merit of representing a practical attempt to think about ways to spread responsibility for the region's security affairs, thus avoiding the issue of 'imperial overstretch' that has tripped up previous global hegemons (Kennedy 1989). After all, why should the United States seek to deal unilaterally on every single issue that crops up (Huntington 1999)? A process of regional consultation among America's allies and willing partners to coordinate joint action towards specific problems may go some way to preserving American resources and capability to project power at a global level. The Australian-led intervention in East Timor in September 1999, which was backed up by American logistical support, is one example of such an approach.

Relying on existing American bilateral alliances and loose diplomatic formations is quite different from the notion of an explicit regional management system encapsulated in the idea of a Concert of Asia. On closer reading, the proposal for a formalised Concert of Asia along the lines of the Concert of Europe that some scholars endorse appears to have little to do with the intrinsic condition of the region's international relations. Rather, it seems to have more to with an attempt by some advocates to rehabilitate their notions of cooperative security. According to one commentator, 'A modern Asian concert is likely to be based on the same set of norms that underpin the ARF, and it may prove more effective in crisis-management and preventive diplomacy' (Acharya 1999b: 98). Thus, a Concert can be viewed as a middle way between the realist balance of power assumptions they oppose, and the multilateral security efforts they once extolled, but which were revealed as ineffective during the recent Asian economic crisis. If multilateralists are suggesting that an informal framework of bilateral meetings between the region's major powers constitute a putative Concert of Asia (Shirk 1997: 269-70), then one might inquire how this differs from routine diplomatic activity the world over? To label such activity with ostentatious terms like 'Concert' misunderstands the reality of international relations in the Asia-Pacific.

In conclusion, a Concert of Asia has little to recommend it in practice. The example of the Concert of Europe on which the idea draws its sustenance was a regressive construct that inhibited change and arguably contributed to the later convulsions in the European order (see Langhorne 1981). Whatever the merits of the Concert idea as a debating point, ultimately, the flaws of a short-lived system, the chief premise of which was to crush internal dissent, is neither an appropriate model for Asia in the twenty-first century, nor an inspiring advertisement of foreign policy enlightenment. As has been argued, an American grand strategy that seeks to preserve the United States' position in the global hierarchy is both plausible and desirable. Provided American leadership is exercised wisely, there is every reason to expect that rather than balancing against the United States, the majority of the region's major powers will bandwagon with, or otherwise defer to, the United States (see Walt 1987b; Schweller 1994). If anything, the war against terrorism has only accentuated this phenomenon, with all but the most rejectionist elements in the international system lining up behind US leadership. Moreover, the relative speed and effectiveness with which US military action dispatched the Taliban regime in Afghanistan merely underscores the dominance of American power rather than signalling a precursor to new forms of multilateral diplomacy. In so far as the security of the Asia-Pacific is concerned, one Southeast Asian diplomat encapsulated the prevailing viewpoint among the region's capitals when he observed that: 'even with all its problems we still need the United States. Basically our choice is between a hegemony in Washington or a hegemony in Beijing. We are still choosing the United States' (quoted in Pomfret 2001b). The foregoing quote highlights the relevance of Geoffrey Blainey's crucial theoretical insight, that it is a clear preponderance of power that is most likely to produce peace (Blainey 1973: 113). Despite claims to the contrary and the temporary alliances forged in the wake of the 11 September crisis, as it turns out, what is needed to manage the security in the Asia-Pacific is not a Concert of powers but a clear pecking order, with a benevolent hegemon-the United States-at the top.

Citation: "American Hegemony in the Asia-Pacific," Australian Institute of International Affairs, 2001
Original URL: http://www.aiia.asn.au/news/hegemony.html

15 February 2008

Report calls for more Afghan control of budget

Agence France Presse, 14 February 2008

KABUL (AFP) - More than 70 percent of public expenditure in Afghanistan comes from donors and most is spent without government oversight, according to a report that calls for more accountability.

The bypassing of government undermines its authority and development, said the report by nongovernmental group ActionAid Afghanistan released Wednesday.

"Over 72 percent of the total government expenditure in Afghanistan comes from external assistance," it said.

"However three-fourths of the total external assistance is spent directly by donors, and most of it without any reporting to the Afghan government."

The report, "Gaps in Aid Accountability", calls for urgent efforts to improve the government's own revenue, including through better tax collection.

It notes that donors committed about 19.9 billion dollars between 2002 and 2006 but only 14.7 billion was disbursed.

And the government's flagship community development project, National Solidarity Programme which is said to reach 22,000 villages, faced a shortfall of 87 percent for this year, it said.

The Afghan government and some of its partners have been urging donors to direct more of their aid through the government's budget but there are concerns about corruption and mismanagement of funds.

Citation: " Report calls for more Afghan control of budget," Agence France Presse, 14 February 2008.
Original URL: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080214/wl_sthasia_afp/afghanistanbudgeteconomy

U.N. says 4 million Iraqis hungry despite wealth

By Tim Cocks
Reuters, 12 February 2008

BAGHDAD, Feb 12 (Reuters) - Four million Iraqis are struggling to feed themselves and 40 percent of the country's 27 million people have no safe water, despite oil wealth and a booming economy, the U.N. said on Tuesday.

With annual economic growth of around 7 percent, according to U.N. estimates, and a national budget of $48 billion, buoyed by oil exports of 1.6 million barrels per day, Iraq has the ingredients to be prosperous.

But insurgency and sectarian attacks have displaced more than two million people and left nearly twice as many hungry.

"Four million Iraqis cannot guarantee they're going to have food on their table tomorrow," the United Nations humanitarian coordinator for Iraq, David Shearer, told Reuters at the launch of a $265 million appeal to donor governments for 2008.

The United Nations says the number of displaced people has roughly doubled since 2006 to nearly 2.5 million. High unemployment has left many others unable to feed themselves.

Violence is down 60 percent across Iraq since last June, thanks to a surge of 30,000 extra U.S. troops, a decision by Sunni tribal leaders to turn against al Qaeda and a ceasefire by Moqtada al-Sadr's Shi'ite Mehdi army.

Shearer said 36,000 displaced people had gone home in this period, a tiny fraction of the total who fled the violence. "We seeing a plateauing of the displacement," Shearer said, adding Iraq was still too dangerous for foreign aid workers to move around or for the U.N. to have a large-scale presence.

In August 2003, insurgents blew up the U.N. headquarters in Baghdad, killing envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello and triggering a pullout of most U.N. staff that has yet to be reversed.

Shearer said the latest appeal should be seen as a stop-gap until the government has fully set up its own networks, not a bid to enlarge the long-term presence of aid agencies in Iraq.

Underscoring the paradox of an aid appeal in a nation as wealthy as Iraq, the government said it would for the first time give $40 million from its own coffers.

Elements of the appeal include food ($97 million), shelter ($37 million), health ($32 million), human rights ($26 million), water and sanitation ($21 million) and education ($18 million).

Citation: Tim Cocks. "U.N. says 4 million Iraqis hungry despite wealth," Reuters, 12 February 2008.
Original URL: http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L12717521.htm